Subtitles help, too! Spine pain!
I’ll be honest here. We stay pretty busy. We do the “Golden Rule” business model at Park Bench. We just treat people the way that we would want to be treated. We are honest and upfront about your condition and about what we can accomplish. We don’t try to dazzle you with silly deals or offers or free stuff. We don’t wear white coats and try to be “Real Doctors”. We do these things because it is easy and it really does make for good business.
We are pretty darn good at diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions, particularly of the spine, and we have a broad skill set of manual techniques to help you find relief from pain.
This Sub-heading Was Suggested by the Internet
All that being said, every few months my website reminds me to add content so that the Google Gods put our site up near the top of the listings. If we add “fresh content” full of keywords then our site stays closer to the top and then perhaps magically we will see dollar bills float through our front door in the form of new clients. In the interest of keeping our Google listing up top without sending a bucket of cash every month to Google, we occasionally pump out some keyword-rich word salad that provides an educational or informational value.
Today, though, I have about 20 minutes between appointments and I am going to blatantly just type keywords. For example, neck pain is not fun. We treat neck pain. Lower back pain is also unpleasant, and we also treat lower back pain. You’ve got nerve pain down the leg? That’s a bummer! Come on in and let us try and fix it for you! Your dealing with chronic headaches that set in as your day progresses? Probably from the spine and we would love to help you with that!
See? I just used a ton of keywords. I want to personally thank you for reading all that. Rather than close with some sort of “call to action” such as I am supposed to do (“always be closin’!”), I will instead just wish you a wonderful day. If you ever need a friendly Frederick chiropractor ( <– keyword!) then try to remember about us.
Oh, and here’s a picture to help that Google listing…