Spoiler Alert: there’s no New Patient Special.
Here’s why:
Most chiropractors rope people in with a “~~NeW PaTiEnT SpEcIaL!~~” designed to get you in the door. Once you’re there it’s an exam full of bells and whistles, big words and laser beams. They may even take x-rays so that they can describe to you just how screwed up your poor spine is.
In all honesty, a discounted first office visit may not cost you very much money – but it does cost the chiropractor time and money. Time that the chiropractor could spend seeing a full-cost patient. New Patient Specials are designed to give the doctor a chance to illustrate to the patient just how much you need what they offer. They might even be correct – you probably do need a ton of chiropractic care and your x-rays may look hideous and decrepit.
The problem is that the chiropractor has to recoup the cost of providing free or heavily discounted new patient visits. That cost has to be made up during the following visits. This creates a pressure on the doctor to ensure that you come in enough times to cover the cost of getting you into the office in the first place.
All that is why we don’t offer any New Patient Specials. Our only concern is treating our patients in a professional manner, in correctly evaluating our new patients so that we can make useful recommendations, and in telling our new patients to come in at the frequency that is best for their condition instead of the frequency that is best for our Wells Fargo Business Checking account.
Long story short, we don’t offer new patient discounts.
Long story long, we treat every patient like a human being and we do our best to care for them appropriately and cost-effectively. You may pay slightly more upfront, but you will spend less overall if we don’t waste your time and money with promotions.

We do offer this adorable grey kitty as our way of saying “Sorry” for not having a New Patient Special. We hope this cute kitten makes up for it.
Look at those eyes.