Welcome to our website. By clicking on the links on this site you can find out a good deal about us and about chiropractic. But that is just the first step on your way. We have an open-door policy when it comes to offering private consultations to anyone considering chiropractic care at our office, so call and put aside some time to meet with the doctor and get your questions answered. At Park Bench Chiropractic we welcome your questions and want to make you feel at home with us.
It’s easy to get started at our office. Just give us a call at (301) 378-0334 and make yourself an appointment. You may want to get some information ready for us before you call, such as:
- Insurance information (Insurance Co. and Member ID) – insurance not required
- Your ideal time for an appointment (1st office visit takes about 60 minutes)
- Any questions you may want answered…
If you just want a consultation, that’s OK. Let us know when you are calling. A consult takes 10-20 minutes and a full new patient office visit takes an hour. If you schedule a consult be prepared with whatever questions you want answered.
The new patient visit is the most time-consuming you will ever have at our office, and this is because we will be asking you a lot of questions and then performing a physical exam. This is important to find out what went wrong and how to go about fixing it. Some people come in with straightforward cases and others come in without any idea how they hurt themselves. We will take the information we get from this first visit, decide if chiropractic can help you, and then start you on a treatment plan that addresses your concerns and gets you on the way to feeling better.